Ampere Set to Revolutionise Electric Scooter Market with Nexus Launch on April 30!

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 Ampere is going to launch a brand-new electric scooter called Nexus soon, and it’s going to be super cool!

Ampere Set to Revolutionise Electric Scooter Market with Nexus Launch on April 30!

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Ampere’s Scooter Gets a Cool Upgrade

Guess what? The Nexus will have something called a front disc brake, which is really awesome because it makes the scooter safer and easier to control.

New Battery and Different Ways to Ride

The Nexus will run on a special kind of battery called an LFP battery, and it will have four different ways you can ride it. That means you can choose how you want to ride depending on where you’re going and how fast you want to go.

Fancy Design and Features

The Nexus is going to look really fancy with its LED lights and cool footpegs. It’s like having a high-tech gadget that you can ride around town!

Cool Screen and How Far You Can Go

The scooter will have a big screen on it, but we’re not sure yet if it’s going to be a fancy one or a regular one. Also, Ampere says the scooter can go really far on just one charge, which is great because you won’t have to worry about running out of power when you’re out and about.

How Much Will It Cost?

Right now, Ampere’s other scooter, called the Primus, costs around Rs 1,46,355. We think the Nexus might cost a little more because it’s going to have lots of cool features.

We Can’t Wait!

We’re so excited for the Nexus to come out! It’s going to be the coolest scooter on the block, and we can’t wait to see it in action. Stay tuned for more updates about the launch date and all the cool things the Nexus can do!

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