Buy electric scooter under Rs.40,000 Electra Neo 

At this electric vehicle’s era, so many companies are making their own electric vehicles like electric scooter, electric bikes, electric cars, etc.

but not every electric vehicle is good only some are good and those even the good electric scooter are very expensive.

After seeing this problem Electra company launches its new electric scooter Electra Neo which is very cheap.

Electra Neo electric scooter is a very affordable and very budget friendly scooter.

The main objective of making this scooter was they wanted that everyone can buy an electric scooter because at this time electric vehicles are very expensive

due to this the potential buyers like middle class and lower middle class are not able to buy electric scooter.

Electra Neo Electric Scooter has so many features like it has fast charging, it will take only 4 to 5 hours to full charge

If you want more information of this scooter then click on the below link.