Nissan Unveils Plan for Autonomous Driving Services in Japan by 2027

Nissan, a big company that makes cars, wants to make cars that can drive without a person controlling them.

They call this “self-driving” cars, and they have a plan to start using them in Japan by 2027.

In Japan, there are problems with not enough people to drive cars because many people are getting older.

Nissan wants to solve this problem by making cars that can drive by themselves, so even if there aren’t enough people to drive, the cars can still take people where they need to go.

Nissan has been working on making self-driving cars since 2017.

They have tested these cars in different places, like a town called Namie in Japan and even in London with help from the government there.

Nissan has made a plan for how they will start using self-driving cars in Japan. They will start testing them in a city called Yokohama in 2025 and 2026.

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