Huawei Luxeed S7 Electric Sedan: Pricing Revealed!

Hey everyone! Great news! Huawei has teamed up with Chery Auto to make an awesome electric car called the Luxeed S7.

Huawei and Chery Auto had some problems making enough cars because they didn’t have enough parts.

But guess what? They fixed it! Now, they’re sending out the Luxeed S7 to the people who wanted to buy one.

Huawei’s big bosses say they’ve made a bunch of Luxeed S7 cars and are sending them out to customers.

They even shared this news on Weibo, a social media app. So, if you ordered one, get ready because it’s on its way!

This Luxeed S7 car is super popular! Last year, Huawei said they got orders for 20,000 of them!

Hey everyone! Great news! Huawei has teamed up with Chery Auto to make an awesome electric car called the Luxeed S7.

If you want more information about this car then click on below link.